
Essay writting III: Never judge a book by its cover

Look for a mirror and look to yourself on there, you can see your eyes, your nose, and you mouth, etc. Do you are one on this parts? You are the addition of all that parts and more. Your personality is a special part or this addition. But do not confuse your personality with your attitudes, because this last depend of the context. Goffman, a Canadian sociology from 20’s, talks about the life like it was a theatrical stage, when exist the “backstage” and the “front stage”. In the front stage you demonstrated your attitudes, according your personality; you are acting for the rest of people. You are not lying, you are acting. On the other hand, in the backstage you can leave flow your personality. The backstage is the palaces where you feel safe and do not think how you want to act, because you feel that you have not audience.  You mind is a type of backstage, because no one can see you there (maybe, a mentalist, but this other point). When you are alone, when you are with a ...

Essay Writting III

Learn about technology Is important learn about technology, not only about use, but the abuse and problems-solutions. Let me tell you a story, once upon a time a young couple bought their first computer but they don’t so much about this gadget, a while after,  this computer turn in black. What has happened? They did not know, so they take their computer to be fixed. The technician swindled them and stole the computer. After that the man learns to fix computer in his own, and the lady learns how the computer care. We have so many gadget but hardly we know how care, used correctly or fix it. We are accustomed to used our gadget in the basically and obviously way, do not have interest in learn more that we feel that we need. In the same way, we does not care know about the abuse of the gadget. So many researches talks about de abused of the cellphones and computer. The indiscriminate use of this gadget can generate personal problem, health problem, and, including, acciden...

The diversity in the global society

The diversity in the global society is something unvalued. The humans are social beings for nature, and this nature makes humans have a conversation each other. We have a lot of things to learn and teach each other, “know-how”, perspectives, knowledge, and more. In our current global society, the communication between cultures, countries, or people are immediately, faster that centuries ago.  We can learn make some food from another country in minutes, or we can talk with people from other countries without stay face to face with them. The wonderful point of this is that the answer that someone in somewhere could find for a problem can be share with the rest of the world and help so many people. For example, the technology that Chile and Japan created for earthquake can be used for other countries and save the live so many people. In the same way, the skill that we learn about coexistence can be to teach to other, and revolve diplomatic or lawyer problems.  ...

Essay Writting II

Teach to tell stories, but let them tell in their own way. This is the best way to develop their imagination and help them to think and understand the world and the words.  Teach to write stories in childhood is good for develop the child’s imagination. Give to the children the skills to tell a good story help the children to practice and work with their imagination.  This activity can be so practical and do not need son many materials and tools. “One day… or “Once upon a time…” help the child to construct a story, and they can practice to make those stories more and more long and complicated. Practice to imagine a lot of things about a lot topic, they did not just practice how tell a story, furthermore, can help them to do question about the world and search for answer. They can look for imaginative ways to find answers. The problem with this is that not all of children have the same language skills, and everyone has the individual way to learn, tell, view and thi...

Essay Writting

Large cars create a lot of difficulties in our streets.  Cities like Santiago (Chile) and others capitals have an incredible population of cars, and their streets are swamped. The large cars like pick-up truck are not made for the city in the same way that the city cars are, and their sizes exceed the “standard space” on the streets. Pike-up like Chevrolet Colorado are so big including for the parking car.   For this reason, the large cars are problems on our streets, they take up the limited space that our streets have. 

The status of education in Chile: Quality vs Cost

In Chile exists two types of educations systems: private and state (actually, exists another, mix type). When we talk about the elementary school and high, the best schools are privates, except for a couple of cases, but when we talk about university, the best options are state universities.  The point of this is that the state universities aren’t free like elementary and high school, we have to pay this education; in Chile, the education is “pay to win”. The SINSE demonstrate to us every year that private education is better that state education, in level elementary and high school. And this demonstrates that our country fail again trying to equalize the level education. In the other hand, the international and national rankings of universities demonstrate that the estate universities are better those privates’ universities. But these universities aren’t free, and every year become more expensive, if you don’t have a scholarship, probably you going to have problems for pay...

Research Idea

* Background: In the region of Antofagasta, Chile, is more common than we would want say, find it corpses in the middle of the desert. When someone find a corpse, the firth move is call the police and PDI, and then have the reponsability of deteminated if the corpse is contenporary or is a mummy. In the desert we can find three types of corpses: 1) Mummy: Evidence of the native that lived in desert in pre-Columbian age. 2) D.D. : Corpse of a missing person, who was victim of the Dictatorship. 3) Corpse: Evidence of a recent homicide. In the firth case, the PDI should reach a team of archeological investigation, and them will take the reponsability of that mummy. In the second case, the PDI will reach for a Human's right organization, them will take the reponsability of that corpse. In the third case, the PDI should take the reponsability to start a investigation. *Problem: - How to differencient the types of corpses that find it in Antofagasta? - How make the process mo...