Essay Writting III

Learn about technology

Is important learn about technology, not only about use, but the abuse and problems-solutions. Let me tell you a story, once upon a time a young couple bought their first computer but they don’t so much about this gadget, a while after,  this computer turn in black. What has happened? They did not know, so they take their computer to be fixed. The technician swindled them and stole the computer. After that the man learns to fix computer in his own, and the lady learns how the computer care.

We have so many gadget but hardly we know how care, used correctly or fix it. We are accustomed to used our gadget in the basically and obviously way, do not have interest in learn more that we feel that we need.

In the same way, we does not care know about the abuse of the gadget. So many researches talks about de abused of the cellphones and computer. The indiscriminate use of this gadget can generate personal problem, health problem, and, including, accidents. More than one time you hears about a car accident caused because some was talk on cellphone while drives.  

How we can start to understand technology? Let start with something simple, read the manual use, this can show how use appropriately your gadget. As second step you can learn to live with and without your gadget, this can not be the center of your life.  Besides that, only if you think and you need and can do it, you can learn to fix you gadget in your own.

Technology takes up an important place in our present lives. We need to learn about this, be informed, and be smarts about how and why we use technology, and give it a good and the better use. Now, technology is a part of us, we need to understand this new part of ourselves.   

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