Essay Writting II

Teach to tell stories, but let them tell in their own way. This is the best way to develop their imagination and help them to think and understand the world and the words. Teach to write stories in childhood is good for develop the child’s imagination. Give to the children the skills to tell a good story help the children to practice and work with their imagination. This activity can be so practical and do not need son many materials and tools.

“One day… or “Once upon a time…” help the child to construct a story, and they can practice to make those stories more and more long and complicated. Practice to imagine a lot of things about a lot topic, they did not just practice how tell a story, furthermore, can help them to do question about the world and search for answer. They can look for imaginative ways to find answers.

The problem with this is that not all of children have the same language skills, and everyone has the individual way to learn, tell, view and think something. Maybe they are better drawing, or acting their own stories. 

We need to guide them without impose a specific style or way to do the things. Teach to tell stories, but tell them in their own way, this is the best way to develop their imagination and help then to think and understand the world and the words.     
Resultado de imagen para cuentacuentos


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