The diversity in the global society

The diversity in the global society is something unvalued. The humans are social beings for nature, and this nature makes humans have a conversation each other. We have a lot of things to learn and teach each other, “know-how”, perspectives, knowledge, and more.

In our current global society, the communication between cultures, countries, or people are immediately, faster that centuries ago.  We can learn make some food from another country in minutes, or we can talk with people from other countries without stay face to face with them.

The wonderful point of this is that the answer that someone in somewhere could find for a problem can be share with the rest of the world and help so many people.

For example, the technology that Chile and Japan created for earthquake can be used for other countries and save the live so many people. In the same way, the skill that we learn about coexistence can be to teach to other, and revolve diplomatic or lawyer problems. 

 Resultado de imagen para globalizacion    


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