The status of education in Chile: Quality vs Cost

In Chile exists two types of educations systems: private and state (actually, exists another, mix type). When we talk about the elementary school and high, the best schools are privates, except for a couple of cases, but when we talk about university, the best options are state universities.  The point of this is that the state universities aren’t free like elementary and high school, we have to pay this education; in Chile, the education is “pay to win”.

The SINSE demonstrate to us every year that private education is better that state education, in level elementary and high school. And this demonstrates that our country fail again trying to equalize the level education.
In the other hand, the international and national rankings of universities demonstrate that the estate universities are better those privates’ universities. But these universities aren’t free, and every year become more expensive, if you don’t have a scholarship, probably you going to have problems for pay your education.

In my opinion the scholarship system is the responsible of the problem “pay to win”, because this allowed that some people without money could study in better places and go to the university, but never allow that every can study.   


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