Changes to My Study Programme

I am studying Anthropology.  The anthropology is a global discipline involving humanities, social sciences and natural sciences We study the human’s existences, the lifestyles, relationships, language, biology, culture, past, evolution, and everything that do to humans be humans.

In the firth year we have class of anthropology, archaeology, biology, philosophy, history and methodology. These classes are the base for all that will come.
I think that we need more field work in the anthropology and archaeology classes. In these areas, the field work is the key for learned how the things in the right way do.  We need go out and “put our foot on the mud”.
Also, the last year I studied literature and I think that is an interesting area for the anthropology. But, really, I don’t know if literature is or isn’t an obligatory subjects in our program. If don’t be, should be.
Beside, in my opinion the philosophy’s contents should including in the others classes, not be a different class. Yeah... I accept that this opinion started on my problems in this class, because I think that is so bored... But, I have a point on this, the subjects of philosophy are the bases of the rest of classes and we learn the same things in all of them.

Apart of this, now we have problems with our classrooms. Sometimes about one hundred people have a class in a classroom that just has space for fifty or sixty persons, is annoying. We need help with that.    

P.D: I draw that pictures :)  


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