My future job

Resultado de imagen para writer
I want to be novelist or writer in general.  I imagine myself writing a lot of book, novels, tales, comics, and stuffs; because I enjoy so much write stories about fantasy and science fiction. After that I want to be head of office of culture in a town (one of every town that I have live), and I work in so many activities for the community, like theatre, dance, music and culture stuff.  
Probably you can think that is an indoor job, but one can haunt a good story in everyplace. Obviously, if I will work in the office of culture I can’t go wherever I want, but I could travel for the district.

Resultado de imagen para writerI am study anthropology, and I want to take a mention in physical anthropology and maybe a mention in forensic anthropology.   I like so much my major, though it doesn’t have relation with my dream about a job.
I guess that this’s weird but this’s the idea that I have for my future. I really don’t know if I will work like an anthropology, but if will be to this way, I want to work like a forensic anthropology. This will be interesting… I think so…   


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