Winter Holidays

On this winter holydays I am going to come back to Mejillones. Probably we can’t go to other place, because my parents have to work, but it is fine for me. I just want stay in home.
I can’t wait for the winter holydays... I want to come back to my home and could see my siblings. I miss them so much.

I have homework for to do this holydays. I am going to do ethnography, but I don’t know about what... I need think it.   Probably I will do that about the municipal orchestra, because is a really interesting activity that the Mejillones’s childhood can do. Other option is do it about “la toma”, but I don’t want disturb to people that live there in winter, is a sensible time for them.
However, I need think the better place for do the ethnography. And I need think that I can't spend all my holyday’s time in this.
I don’t need see the future for know that I will have to teach my siblings and help them with their homework. Usually we do that on our holydays. I going to play with them and join them to their activities, this will be funny and lovely.
I am happy because our house has a new roof and we don’t need be afraid about the rain this year. Stay in home will be more safe and warmly.

I can’t wait for winter holydays J


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